Wheelchair selection
The most important consideration when choosing a wheelchair is the size of the wheelchair. The main parts of the wheelchair-bearing body are around the ischial ischial tuberosity, around the femur, around the armpits and around the shoulder blades.The size of the wheelchair, especially the width ... -
Use Of Nebulizer
Medical nebulizers are mainly used to treat various upper and lower respiratory diseases, such as colds, fever, cough, asthma, sore throat, pharyngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, and other diseases in the trachea, bronchi, alveoli, and thoracic cavity.Nebulized inhalation therapy is a... -
What is a wheelchair?
Wheelchairs are an important tool for rehabilitation. Wheelchairs are not only a means of transport for physically handicapped and people with reduced mobility, but more importantly, they are able to exercise and participate in social activities with the help of wheelchairs.Ordinary wheelchairs g... -
Water bed installation knowledge
What are the dimensions of the waterbed?There are water beds of all standard sizes and 2mX2m, 1.8mX2m, 1.5mX2m, 1.2mX2m, 1mX2m, 1.5mx1.8m.Every manufacturer and retailer will advise you to choose the largest bed that can be placed in the room from a comfort perspective – the same applies to... -
Introduction To The Nebulizer
There are many types of nebulizers depending on the application.Air humidifier: a humidifier used to humidify air is a type of atomizer;Medical nebulizer: a device used to treat upper respiratory tract diseases, belonging to medical devices;Other types of nebulizers: such as hairspray equipment f... -
What Is A Nebulizer
The atomizer is to atomize the test solution. The atomizer is an important component of the atomization system, and its performance has a significant impact on the precision and chemical interference of the measurement.Therefore, the atomizer spray is required to be stable, the droplets are fine,...